GNW 2011

After the fun and games of GNW, we’ve managed to get hold of a few shots of this year’s race which we hope you enjoy. First cab off the rank is Marcus coming into the Basin with a chipmunk in hot pursuit!
Marcus approaching the Basin

Next in line is Dan on his climb out of the Basin, giving the obligatory thumbs up to anyone he sees!

Cameras do strange things to the eyes!

Next up is Darrel ‘Poppy’ Robins who this year followed the Vize school of nutrition – ice creams are an essential part of any race strategy

The Elderly home at Congewai was also on day release at the same time GNW was being run - Darrel manages to sneak a bit of time on the course.

Finally, Mr Cool and Calm himself, Andrew Vize plotting his next move against all before him.

Vizey... with a Bull in tow

For further viewing pleasure, Dan coming into the checkpoint at Congewai – I think the look of surprise on his face is more due to the fact that he wants to know where all the hot weather is?

All the desert gear and no idea

Proof that Vizey does actually standstill in races – albeit for quite a short period of time.

It does happen honest! He does stand still for at least 50 seconds per checkpoint

Marcus drops his chipmunk into the bush somewhere.

Just for show (and because its downhill), Marcus putting on some speedwork for the camera

Darrel at CP2

Darrel has his own cordened off area for checkpoints - he's very important

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