This week, we welcome back to the Ultra168 pages, Hanny Allston. Hanny’s no stranger to our pages, having written a number of times for us on some highly detailed and relevant topics. Hanny approached me recently with this article and I thought given some of the focus we’ve had on a.) people being injured (me!) and b.) diet (see our Facebook page), this would be a great topic to get the debate going.
I have plenty of views on diet and to be honest, something that really winds me up is seeing my Facebook feed flooded with all of these idiotic ‘fad’ diets. But, one of the big things I’ve started doing on a personal level over the last 12 months is to rid myself of what I call ‘the legal crack’ – Sugar.
Now I’m not going to pretend to you all that I’ve ‘cracked’ it completely, nor do I ban it from everything I eat. Quite simply its too hard. But what I will no longer eat is white refined sugar or have any added sugar to things I eat. When you consciously look at everything you buy from a supermarket these days, peeking at the ingredients, it’s virtually impossible to find something that hasn’t had sugar added to it. I once heard a story that if you got rid of everything in a supermarket that had added sugar in it, there would only be about 6-10% of the stock left – that’s how much the nasty white stuff has infiltrated our lives.
Diet is also another touchy one for me. These days, people look for the quick fix for everything. From our diet, through to our politicians. Everything is so short-termist and our patience so little. My own personal view on diet is this: Keep it fresh, keep it out of a box and keep out the refined crap.
So I don’t stick to it all the time… life would be incredibly dull, which is where the last bit of the rule comes in: Just enjoy yourself once in a while and don’t feel guilty about it. You can sum all of this up in one word. Balance.
Balance in diet, balance in running, balance in lifestyle.
So enough of my ramblings… let’s get onto someone who has a little more intelligence than I do… take it away Hanny…
In Part One, I wrote about my battles with inflammation and Achilles Tendonitis, describing how I had tried just about every form of treatment for my stubborn injury. After nine months I began to query my overall health, eventually reaching a point where I realized there must be more at play than just my running, training and biomechanics. What I now believe was occurring in my body was an accumulation of stressors that were inhibiting my body’s ability to recover from my chronic injuries and training loads.
The Stress Response
A stressor is anything that places a load on the body and generates a flight or fight response. During such a response, the stress hormone Cortisol is pumped into the body generating physical changes that help us to remove the stressful situation. The interesting thing about the human stress response is that it is a ‘one-size-fits-all’ mechanism. That is, the body cannot distinguish between different stressors, whether they derive from your workplace, family life, pain, other discomforts, environmental inputs or even your diet. And it is the accumulation of these individual stressors that can lead to a chronic stress response in which the body remains in a heightened state of stress-induced arousal.
Last year, this was me in a nutshell. I was accumulating stressors from training, Find Your Feet, emotional ‘female’ occasions, my general environment. Further to this, without realizing it, my diet had evolved to be rich in inflammatory foods, particularly sweet substances such as sugar, fructose and natural sweeteners. As I began to awake to these circumstances, I began delving into the literature. Everything I read alerted me to the fact that my body was struggling to stay in homeostasis (a balanced physical state). I was constantly pumping out cortisol to the detriment of my hormonal, physical & psychological health. It was this disruption to my hormones that was likely leading to my injury woes.
Hormones and Stress: A tight link
The body derives almost all of its hormones from one master hormone, Pregnalone. It is produced in the adrenal glands and is the precursor to many hormones including cortisol, DHEA, aldosterone, testosterone, estrogens and progesterone.
When we are in balance, there should be ample Pregnalone for the body to make adequate amounts of our sex hormones and cortisol. However, if we enter a chronic state of stress (such as through poor diet, inadequate exercise, insufficient sleep, lack of relaxation, and internalizing our emotional stress) we can fatigue our adrenal glands. This begins an occurrence of ‘Pregalone Steal’. That is, we override our need to produce the sex hormones for the sake of creating more Cortisol.
For optimal health we need our sex hormones. They help to keep us: in balance; feeling masculine or feminine; generating empathy towards others; rested at night; alert during the day; balanced in our emotions; healthy in our musculoskeletal system; and most importantly for the athlete, physically recovered. One of the two most important hormones here are Testosterone and Growth Hormone, both of which are produced by males and females (although to a much lessor extent in females). Without testosterone, the body’s ability to repair musculoskeletal tissue is hindered. I believe now that this was one of my main issues throughout 2014 – increased Cortisol levels and inadequate sex hormone levels.
Making Changes: A big mountain to climb
I believe that one of the biggest challenges to any athlete is identifying and acknowledging one’s chronic state of stress and with it, an unbalanced hormonal state. What many of us struggle to appreciate, myself included, is that stress doesn’t mean stressed. After all, in 2014 I was Happy Hanny. I didn’t snap at everyone and I wasn’t hiding in a hole feeling depressed or stressed. However, I was often on overdrive and if I add into this my poor diet, huge amounts of travel, elite level racing and fluctuating sleep patterns, my body had quietly accumulated stressors. This had crept up on me over a longer period of time and my hormonal health was now compromised.
Challenging myself to trawl through the research on overcoming Pregnalone steal and naturally boosting my hormones, I came across one very common suggestion: fix what you can fix. That is, whilst we can often point the finger to a large area of our life that feels stressful, it might not be the easiest one to initially change. For me it was Find Your Feet and my training. I couldn’t easily stop working otherwise this would add financial strains into the mix. I couldn’t reduce my travel as this was what I did for work. I couldn’t alter my training any more as I was already doing far less due to my injury. But two changes that I could make easily were to my diet and sleep routines. Thus I embarked on the journey of fixing what I could fix.

Change: Fixing what I could fix
Injury frustrations and research triggered me into radical change. Increasing my sleep was easy but in November I embarked on the overwhelming process of removing all forms of sugar for a two-month period. I chose this as my starting point because it seemed to be the most well documented and successful area of research into hormonal health. I knew I had a serious sweet tooth and that I found it hard to avoid the overwhelming need for more, especially mid-afternoon and after dinner.
Sugar: The bad and the ugly
There are many problems with sugar. In order to understand them one needs to understand what sugar is actually composed of and its impact on the body.
Sugar (the white stuff) is just pure energy and contains no nutrient value at all. It is composed of 50% glucose and 50% fructose. The glucose component of the sugar is readily acted upon by body cells in the presence of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. The fructose component must be processed into glycogen by the liver.
If our diet is too high in sugar and its various forms, many problems can occur. In other words, consuming high amounts of sugar doesn’t really do anything for you. Simply put, sugar is empty calories.
Removing the White Stuff: The results
You might be asking why I decided to cut out all sugar for eight weeks, including fruit and natural sugars? My reasoning comes back to my addiction to sweet things. As I inferred in Part One of this article series, I was loading up on sugar and refined foods to the detriment of good nutrients, fatty acids and protein intake. Without these vital nutritional components, my body was pushed into a greater state of stress and inflammation whilst being denied the very things that would help it to recover. I needed to go cold turkey and break my sweet tooth!

The first two weeks was a nightmare. I was terribly lethargic and fighting constant headaches and moodiness. My partner, Graham, had also jumped on the challenge of two months without sugar. On one occasion we were out on a gentle ride and literally both bonked about 55 minutes into our gentle ride, crawling and pushing our bicycles home again. What likely had happened was that our bodies were so used to burning glucose that once our glycogen stores dried up we were left incapable of efficiently resorting to fatty acid metabolism for energy production. This is not the state that an endurance athlete should find himself or herself as fatty acid metabolism is what drives energy production during long events.
The biggest change that occurred in my diet wasn’t just the removal of sweet foods, but also the fact that I had to replace this energy with something else… fats and proteins. Till then, I had been educated from all fronts that fats were bad! Sports scientists, nutritionists, the AIS, coaches… everyone pointed the finger at fats being bad for you. To turn this around and be snacking on avocados, nuts, full-fat butter and cheese… it was hard but rewarding. During this period Graham and I saw no increases in weight and if anything, we leaned & toned up. Further to this, over the two months our energy levels began to sore. The cravings subsided and my own general emotional wellbeing strengthened. I began to feel like I was in a constant state of calmness, no longer seeking sugar inputs for the mid-morning and mid-afternoon cravings. Better still, I began to see signs that my hormones were balancing, my endurance was enhancing, recovery from strength training had quickened, and my Achilles was getting better! At last I was winning.
Since this experience I have not been a princess when it comes to sugar intake and there have been setbacks. The festive season threw me off course a little, as did an increase in travel and competitions, which lead to a loss of routines. But I have realized that reducing stressors and remaining in nutritional health is all about balance and being aware of what certain tasks, thoughts and food groups do to your own body. For me, I have realized that as soon as I overindulge in sugary foods, I become more susceptible to inflammation. This is also true if I work too much without enough rest. For example, despite no dramatic changes to my training, in the post-festive season I saw a slight return of my Achilles as well as a grizzly knee. This less balanced diet and lifestyle also saw more of my raw emotions and my ability to cope with stressors diminish. As I became aware of the fact that I felt I was traveling backwards, I cleaned up my diet and work schedule again, noticing rapid improvements in the inflammatory responses in my body. In short, I started winning again!

Way Forward: More research!
Since experiencing such dramatic changes for myself I am beginning to cautiously suggest similar changes to clients who are experiencing chronic injury issues. Without fail, I am seeing similar results. I have seen a client who had not menstruated for two years return to healthy cycles. I have had another who felt she was unable to cope with workplace stressors thrive again. Similarly, I have had two clients overcome tendinopathies and another a chronic knee inflammatory issue. Things certainly look positive from a coaching perspective.
But the story doesn’t just stop at sugar and stress. What I have now become aware of through my continued research into the modern literature is that there is a plethora of studies currently being conducted on holistic health, diet and lifestyle, with plausible links to chronic inflammation. Evidence suggests that chronic inflammation could be strongly linked to lifestyle diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes and even neurological diseases. Whilst such studies appear to be embraced by the medical and alternative health world, it fascinates me that it doesn’t appear to be filtering into the sports industry. I see a strong need to find current, accurate research on diet, stress and chronic inflammation’s link to the world of sports injuries and recovery.
Until then, I urge you to reflect on your own holistic health and to take note of how small decisions in diet, sleep, exercise and work manifest in your body’s ability to recover. Should you feel the need to experiment with your holistic health, I believe that the perseverance and hard work will likely pay off in your health, recovery and performance. Play hard!
Hallelujah! Great intro and article, thanks. I’m a simple sugar avoider and can’t agree more on the need to take a long view and holistic approach.
What about honey? I have greatly reduced my consumption of tea and coffee (taken with sugar) and replaced them with herbal teas, but find I need honey in them to make them palatable. I also have honey on my breakfast porridge. So in short, is honey regarded in the same light as sugar?
I’m no expert David, but white sugar is 100 per cent sucrose, honey is made up of around 75 per cent sugars, of which roughly half is glucose and half is fructose. Honey is basically sugar, but it contains less calories than the ‘white crack’… in short it’s really freaking hard to find food (in a packet), that doesn’t have some form of sugar or sugar substitute.
If I may be so bold to add a bit more idea to the mixture: You wanna be looking at whole foods. Honey is a fine example used for many moons…in it’s most natural form it comes not just with the sugars but also the minerals. Raw sugar, un-processed sugar that is, comes naturally with vitamins and minerals all of which help to balance it as it goes into your digestive system. Malt is pretty damn fine as well, for a mineral and carb intensive by-product. But, It’s that word again: Balance. Nature and our bodies have a sense of balance. We often fret about trying to find the balance, but, really the balance is the gravity pulling us to the centre all the while. We can’t escape balance even if we try, and man, how often we try. Binge eating, carb loading, beers, cake, pizzas, whatever. We’re athletes we’ll burn this shit off, it’s out rite of passage to eat whatever the fuck we like, yeah? (Wrong!)
If we were all free to push our bodies out of balance, we could probably fuel ourselves on products like Tailwind and run sub 02:00 minute marathons. Be grateful the body is not as stupid as the mind. If you eat too much simple sugar, or fats, or nothing at all, your innate sense of balance will cause you to suffer, some immediate, some more longer term. The sooner you can find balance, the firmer you will stand later on. You’re welcome. 🙂
Interesting read…
My understanding is that omega-3 and omega-6 EFA balance is required for an effective inflammation response.
Refined and processed foods will have too much Omega-6 leaving you more prone to inflammation and injuries.
Whole fruits and vegetables will provide you with a healthy balance of omega-3 & omega-6, leaving you less prone to injury, suffering less inflammation and experiencing significantly faster recovery.
Animal foods result in increased inflammation.
Balanced omega-3 & omega-6 is also required for effective clotting and unclotting of your blood, again promoting less injury and faster recovery.
I’ve known quite a few people I’d consider to be very healthy who have a healthy cycle of ovulation without menstruating.
It is confusing that the article refers to pregnalone and pregalone, but the embedded scientific diagram refers to pregnenolone.