Daily News: UROY(US); Otters and Pregnancy

Welcome back form the weekend people – we’ve been cruising a 3-day weekend here in some parts of Australia… for now here’s a daily dose of the weird and wonderful…

  1. Olson, mountains, France – check it.
  2. Running Tarawera? Want to see the course beforehand? check out the training camps.
  3. Wetter than an otter’s pocket? Check out the trail run
  4. It appears you have to be North American or residing in North America for this one… For those that would like some global perspective we’ll throw Xavier Thévenard (UTMB winner) or Yoshikazu Hara (UTMF winner, beating some proper French Mountain goats) into the mix. (Nick Clarke gets my vote for his GS heroics/antics and because he’s British)
  5. Apparently women come back to running stronger after giving birth… watch out lads!
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I'm a mediocre runner who can bat above his average when I train hard. A man of extremes, I do enjoy everything life offers and consider it an absolute pleasure just to be able to put one foot in front of the other and let my mind wander somewhere different.

3 thoughts on “Daily News: UROY(US); Otters and Pregnancy

  1. “because he’s British”… no comment…
    I’m going with Xavier, because he killed all the big guns at UTMB and because he’s french…

    1. Shouldn’t it be Ian Sharman – because he’s British.
      My money would be on Jon Olsen for his 100 mile time and 24 Hour title.

      1. Yep, another good one Matt. I vote Nick because I like his style and consistency. He’s always in the top 3 pretty much of any race and he’s a straight-taking, understated chap who simply gets on with the job.

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