As we sit here at our desks or at home seeing the coverage unfold today, words cannot even begin to describe how incomprehensible this cowardly act of violence is. Reports say that an 8yr old boy was killed. Eight years old for Christ’s sake. What kind of sick human being takes it upon themselves to do such a thing? Someone’s son, someone’s grandson, a brother… I cannot fathom in my mind why someone thinks that is justified.
If you’re in Sydney, Australia a memorial run will take place at 6:30pm in Kirribilli tonight (16th April) under the Harbour Bridge run by Runninggroups.com.au. I’m sure others will take place too across the country and indeed around the world. Show your support, show strength… Our thoughts are with anyone who has been affected by this tragic and horrible day.
This is insane and unbelievable!
Is that 6.30 this afternoon?