The Ultra168 Footpoint Most Consistent Performer of 2011

We hope you all had a lovely New Year and are recovering well with some hard earnt training! We’re two awards down, and three to go, with the next one being the most consistent performer of 2011.

You may see some names in here that have already appeared in the two previous award lists, but in defining the most consistent performer, we’re talking about those guys and gals who have finished a number of races in consistently high positions across 2011. They may not have won many or indeed any races, but there are the people who continue to set high standards in the races they enter.

Once again, we’ve produced a short list below, along with their performances so that you, the reading public can cast your vote as to whom you feel deserves the accolade of most consistent performer of 2011. Just to outline, our criteria for the most consistent performer is that they have placed high in the races they enter i.e. top 10 and in the context of the number of entrants, and that they have done this in at least 3 ultras across the year.

In deciding who to add to the list we’ve used a number of resources including AURA and DUV ultra marathon statistics.

As runners, we understand that most ultra runners tend to target between 2-4 what we would call ‘A’ races with a number of small events dotted in between, so hopefully that gives you an indication as to why we have chosen to short list certain people. As always, we welcome comments from people if you feel we could improve the system, so that next year we can make it bigger and better.

Happy voting!

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I'm a mediocre runner who can bat above his average when I train hard. A man of extremes, I do enjoy everything life offers and consider it an absolute pleasure just to be able to put one foot in front of the other and let my mind wander somewhere different.

9 thoughts on “The Ultra168 Footpoint Most Consistent Performer of 2011

  1. This is a hard one. Dave Eadie should be the favourite as AURA Male Ultra runner of the year. Although competition is mixed so Nikki Wynd as Female UROTY should be amongst it also. Should also add Dave Eadie’s Glasshouse result to the list sub 17 hours not far outside the previous record for = 3rd.
    Still haven’t decided

  2. A definite yes to ‘The Running Man’ Dave Eadie! Just look at his profile pedigree 1991 to 2011, pretty impressive with years of experience and other great runs in 2011, seems to go better with age which justifies AURA winner 2011, he gets my nod for this award.

    All other runners have achieved a lot in 2011 with many rising stars, 2012 will be a great running year!

  3. Beth for B2H course record, Cradle win and good placings at the most competitive races (WS and 6 Foot).

    An oversite leaving MQ off the list. 🙁

    1. Cheers Paul. It’s a tough gig this short listing business, but we wanted to try and recognise lots of great performances, but at the same time not have a list as long as my arm 🙂 thanks for reading and casting your vote, we appreciate it.

    2. Hi Paul, we are huge MQ fans and think she may take out the female performance of the year for her GNW win and record smashing run or Commonwealth performance. However, For the most consistent award we need to keep in mind her TNF100 and C2K runs which even MQ would agree weren’t great weekends. Let’s see what 2012 brings for Meredith “200km weeks are a piece of cake” Quinlan.

      1. It is always hard to narrow down a list such as this to everyone’s satisfaction and it seems this year is harder than most, (which is a good thing for the sport).

        Irrespective of Meredith lesser performances this year, I would think a few runners on the list would gladly swap their year for her GNW course record, Comm medal and her 3rd in the NZ 100km Champs earlier in the year.

        Keep up good work, guys and don’t be discouraged by this arm-chair critic!

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