After months of hard training, Andrew Vize has become the fastest Australian runner at the home of 100 mile races, The Western States 100. Andrew ran 20:11, which beats the old record of 20hrs 30mins held by Martin Fryer.

Having trained with Andrew for months, along with all his buddies at Ultra168, we can testify as to how much hard work he’s put into this. Getting up at 3am on school nights to do 30km of hills around Balmoral. Leaving Sydney at 1am in the morning to go to the Blue Mountains and run up and down Kedumba Valley Road on his own during the night. Thousands of kms have gone into this and he’s achieved a just reward for his efforts too.
A massive congratulations from all of your running mates at Ultra168 buddy. I hope you kept Marcus honest 🙂
Outstanding! Congrats mate, well deserved!
Well done AV. And thanks Dan, Marcus et al for all the updates and progress. I’m sure Darrel will make even more famous after this one!
yeah, awesome run Andrew, hearty congrats, reaped the rewards for lots of hard training. Great job with the updates too Dan and Marcus.
Yep big plaudits for Vizey. This website stuff is hard work though 🙂
Next stop GNW….
here, looks like you might have a challenger to ultra168’s record: http://zac-braxton-smith.blogspot.com/2011/06/loop-of-lake-seed-is-planted.html
If they even come close to beating it then i’d love to team up with ultra168 to do a proper job and cement the record once and for all…keep it in NSW…
Thanks for sharing Ian. we’d love someone else to have a crack at it. I’m sure it would give Andrew, Darrel and Terry an excuse to get back out there, with some help from their friends of course. I was thinking about it just last night as well.
On paper it is soft, but then again, everything on paper looks easy. Doing it is another thing entirely.
Absolute respect for a race well run
Thanks marcus, dan & laura for the updates & commentary
totally agree dan. I dont think its soft at all. Logistically to get the timing of the ferries right would be hard and just being on your feet that long cant be underestimated. Total respect from me thats for sure.